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TPEE Hytrel®  HTR8441 BK316 DUPONT USA

  • Unit Price:
    $8500 USD/MT
  • Packaging Specification:
    25 KG/PKG
  • Supply Quantity:
  • Delivery Terms:
  • Port of Loading:
    China Main Port
  • Accepted Payment Methods:
  • Shipping:
    Negotiate supplier for shipping details

Transaction Guarantee:

Supplier Information

Dongguan Kenai New Material Co., Ltd.

+86 132****36


For more detailed information including pricing, customization, and shipping, please contact supplier.

Technical Data Sheet

Physical PropertiesTest ConditionTest MethodTest ResultUnit
Modeling ShrinkageTDISO294-42.1%
Modeling ShrinkageMDISO294-42.2%
Melt Mass-Flow Rate240°C/10.0kgISO113310g/10min
Melt Volume flow Rate240°C/10.0kgISO113310.0cm3/10min
Mechanical PropertiesTest ConditionTest MethodTest ResultUnit
Tensile ModulusISO527-2190Mpa
Nominal Tensile Strain at BreakISO527-2380%
Tensile StressBreakISO527-235.0Mpa
Tensile Stress5.0%StrainISO527-27.80Mpa
Tensile Stress10%StrainISO527-211.9Mpa
Tensile Stress50%StrainISO527-219.0Mpa
Tensile StrainBreakISO527-2>300%
Thermal PropertiesTest ConditionTest MethodTest ResultUnit
Melting TemperatureISO11357-3211°C
Brittleness TemperatureISO974-54.0°C
Elastomers PropertiesTest ConditionTest MethodTest ResultUnit
Tearing Strength (Flow)ISO34-1140kN/m
Fill AnalysisTest ConditionTest MethodTest ResultUnit
Melt Density1.01g/cm³
Impact PropertiesTest ConditionTest MethodTest ResultUnit
Tensile Impact Strength23°CISO8256/1330kJ/m²
Charpy Unnotched Impact Strength23°CISO179/1eU无断裂
hardnessTest ConditionTest MethodTest ResultUnit
Shore HardnessShore DISO86858
Shore HardnessShore D,15secISO86852
FlammabilityTest ConditionTest MethodTest ResultUnit
Burning Rate1.00mmISO379542mm/min
Supplementary informationTest ConditionTest MethodTest ResultUnit
IMPORTANT NOTES: collected the data in the data sheet from the material manufacturers. makes the best effort to improve the accuracy of the data, but has no responsibility for the data. We strongly recommend verifying the validity of the data with the material manufacturers before making a final decision.

Other Prices

Port of LoadingUnit Price
China Main Port5934 USD/MT