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PA66 Zytel®  70G13L DUPONT USA

  • Unit Price:
    $5438 USD/MT
  • Packaging Specification:
    25 KG/PKG
  • Supply Quantity:
  • Delivery Terms:
  • Port of Loading:
    Huangpu port, China
  • Accepted Payment Methods:
  • Shipping:
    Negotiate supplier for shipping details

Transaction Guarantee:

Supplier Information

Dongguan East Asia Plastic Co., Ltd.

+86 138****46


For more detailed information including pricing, customization, and shipping, please contact supplier.

Technical Data Sheet

Physical PropertiesTest ConditionTest MethodTest ResultUnit
DensityASTM D792/ISO 11831.22
Modeling ShrinkageASTM D9551.2%
Moisture Absorption 23℃/24HASTM D570/ISO 627.1%
Mechanical PropertiesTest ConditionTest MethodTest ResultUnit
Notched Izod Impact Strength23℃,DAMASTM D-25648J/m
Notched Izod Impact Strength23℃,50%RHASTM D-25653J/m
Tensile Elongation?(Break)ASTM D638/ISO 5272%
Tensile Elongation?(Break)23℃,50%RHASTM D-6388%
Tensile Elongation?(Break)23℃,DAMASTM D-6382%
Tensile Strength23℃,50%RHASTM D-63882.7Mpa
Tensile Strength23℃,DAMASTM D-638103.4Mpa
Tensile StrengthASTM D638/ISO 527103.4kg/cm²(MPa)[Lb/in²]
Flexural ModulusASTM D790/ISO 1784826kg·cm/cm(J/M)ft·lb/in
Flexural StrengthASTM D790/ISO 178165kg·cm/cm(J/M)ft·lb/in
Flexural strength23℃,DAMASTM D-790165Mpa
Flexural Modulus23℃,DAMASTM D-7904826Mpa
Flexural Modulus23℃,50%RHASTM D-7902758Mpa
Taber wear50%RH12cycles
Rockwell hardness RDAMASTM D-785R122
Rockwell hardness R50%RHASTM D-785R113
Rockwell Hardness(M-Scale)50%RHASTM D-785M84
Rockwell Hardness(M-Scale)DAMASTM D-785M95
Shearing Strength23℃,DAMASTM D-73276Mpa
Thermal PropertiesTest ConditionTest MethodTest ResultUnit
Burning RateUL94HB
Melting Temperature255℃(℉)
Melting Temperature50%RHASTM D-789255°C
Melting TemperatureDAMASTM D-789255°C
Linear expansion coefficientASTM D696/ISO 113592.7×10-5mm/mm.℃
Coefficient of Linear Thermal ExpansionASTM D-6962.7×10m/m/℃
Thermal distortion temperature1.8MPaASTM D-648243°C
Electrical performanceTest ConditionTest MethodTest ResultUnit
Dielectric ConstantASTM D150/IEC 60250130
Dielectric ConstantASTM D150/IEC 60250150
PhysicalTest ConditionTest MethodTest ResultUnit
Moisture AbsorptionSaturation(23℃)ASTM D-5707.1%
IMPORTANT NOTES: collected the data in the data sheet from the material manufacturers. makes the best effort to improve the accuracy of the data, but has no responsibility for the data. We strongly recommend verifying the validity of the data with the material manufacturers before making a final decision.

Other Prices

Port of LoadingUnit Price
China Main Port3246 USD/MT