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  • Unit Price:
    $1680 USD/MT
  • Packaging Specification:
    25 KG/PKG
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  • Delivery Terms:
  • Port of Loading:
    China Main Port
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  • Shipping:
    Negotiate supplier for shipping details

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Supplier Information

Dongjiu Plastic Technology (Dongguan) Co., Ltd.

+86 189****83

For more detailed information including pricing, customization, and shipping, please contact supplier.

Technical Data Sheet

Physical PropertiesTest ConditionTest MethodTest ResultUnit
Moisture Absorption (24hr)ASTM D5700.15%
Mechanical PropertiesTest ConditionTest MethodTest ResultUnit
Tensile Strength (Yield 50mm/min)ASTM D63851Mpa
Tensile Strength (Break 50mm/min)ASTM D63829.2Mpa
Tensile Elongation (Yield, 50mm/min)ASTM D6385.1%
Flexural StrengthASTM D79070.8Mpa
Flexural Modulus (1.27mm/min)ASTM D7902090Mpa
Notched Izod Impact StrengthASTM D25651J/m
Tensile Elongation (Break 50mm/min)ASTM D63888%
Thermal PropertiesTest ConditionTest MethodTest ResultUnit
Vicat Softening TemperatureASTM D152579.1°C
Deflection Temperature Under Load  (1.8Mpa)ASTM D64866.2°C
Deflection Temperature Under Load  (0.45Mpa)ASTM D64876.2°C
Electrical performanceTest ConditionTest MethodTest ResultUnit
Volume ResistivityASTM D2571230000000000000Ω.cm
Surface resistanceASTM D25710500000000000000
Insulation ResistanceASTM D14915.83KV/mm
Dielectric ConstantASTM DI502.32
Dielectric Constant (1 MHz)ASTM D1502.13
Dissipation FactorASTM DI 500.0058
Dielectric Constant (1 MHz)ASTM DI 500.0246
hardnessTest ConditionTest MethodTest ResultUnit
Rockwell Hardness (R-Scale)ASTM D785119
optical performance Test ConditionTest MethodTest ResultUnit
HazeASTM D10031.1%
TransmittanceASTM DI 00390.2%
IMPORTANT NOTES: collected the data in the data sheet from the material manufacturers. makes the best effort to improve the accuracy of the data, but has no responsibility for the data. We strongly recommend verifying the validity of the data with the material manufacturers before making a final decision.

Other Prices

Port of LoadingUnit Price
China Main Port1425 USD/MT